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CONVERT SEEKS HELP DEALING WITH ISLAMIC FAMILY AND BAD DREAMS Dear sir, I was a Muslim, but I read your book and I was touched to the point that I became a believer of Christ Jesus and His good gospel. I am a new convert and would implore you to help me establish a very solid faith. Please, can you do so by sending me some Christian books and a Bible? I truly need them. PROBLEMS: I NEED YOUR ADVICE 1. Like I said, I was a Muslim, and my parents still are. Now I am a new convert to Christianity and my Muslim father is strictly against it. He forbids me from singing Christian songs, going to church, and even praying. I have often had bad arguments with him because of my new faith in Christ, and he has threatened to reject (disown) me if I should continue with Christianity. Now I need some encouragement and advice. What do I do? 2. Since I converted and started active prayers, I have been having horrible dreams. Certain unidentified people have been threatening me in my dreams. Is there any way you can help? Hoping to hear from you.Yours faithfully, Mariama Nsarkoh GHANA, W.Africa Editors Note: Rejoicing in her conversion, we wrote Mariama with advice God gave us as we prayed for her. We encouraged her to stand strong and keep pressing ahead. We believe she will do it with God’s help. Pray for Mariama and the many other converts from Islam around the world.
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